Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hot Dog! We need your Help!


Like usual, we need your help with the hot dog and tamales sales this Sunday, March 20th.

We'll start at 8 and close up at 1pm.

Please, please come by if you can dedicate an hour or so.

We've been having trouble getting brothers to volunteer for the hot dog sales. This is a KEY SOURCE OF the FUNDING that we get for our Council and it's a lot of fun getting out there and helping out.

Let Don Payne know if you can make it.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fish Fry on Friday!!!


The Fish Fry season is upon us and we need everyones help to make it a success and to serve to the best of our ability.

FRIDAY the 11th is the first fry day. ALL Brothers who can attend are needed in spades.

We will begin at 2pm with set-up and the day will end at around 9pm, after clean-up.

Once again, EVERYONE is NEEDED to make this a success. If you cannot stay for the entire time don't let this stop you; please come by and help whenever you can.

Thank you, see you Friday!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Council 11023 -- Upcoming Events -- February


As discussed in the last newsletter, the following events are slated for this month. Many thanks are deserved by those brothers who helped in recent months to coordinate and run several successful events for the Holy Rosary Parish Community. Please continue to attend and demonstrate your commiment to the Parish and the Knights, everyone benefits.

This blog is updated once, or sometimes twice, per month whenever an event or issue of present is in need of attention. To receive an email of the blog updates, enter your email address in the box at the upper right of the screen. It takes two minutes and will keep you up to date.

2.12.11 10am - 11am (social hour begins at 9am)
Council 11023 Meeting -- Please join us next Saturday morning for the regularly scheduled meeting of the Kinghts of Columbus, council 11023. The meetings involve discussion, the occasional burst of laughter, and at least one box of doughnuts. Show your support and contribute your voice next Saturday, February the 12th.

Pancake Breakfast – We have scheduling our next Pancake Breakfast for February 13th. Since this is the day before St. Valentine’s Day, we might be serving red pancakes. Your help is definitely needed to prepare and serve the pancakes and sausage. All of the previous breakfasts were profitable, but we now know that it isn’t wise to hold them in the summer.

First Degree Exemplification – We have another 1st Degree Exemplification schedule for February 16 at 7PM. You are encouraged to recruit new brothers and to attend the exemplification that Wednesday night.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Council Meeting This Saturday, January 8th

Brother Knights,

I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I just wanted to remind you that our next monthly meeting is this Saturday, January 8th. You are all encouraged to attend to discuss the events that we have on our calendar for 2011. We can always use your point of view and recommendations concerning these events and the overall operation of our council.
I hope to see you at the Education Center. The social hour begins at 9 and the business meeting at 10. We should be finishing up by 11 or 11:30.
Don Payne
Grand Knight